Refractory Paint Crisolflow N - ladles, skimmers 1Kg Tin


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Crisolflow N (1kg Tin)
This is a special coating for casting tools with good mechanical properties, i. e. it protects the casting tools and ingot moulds for a long time from metal pick up or stick.
It prevents adhering of oxide films and is suitable for all kinds of material.

Notes on Technology
As a general rule casting tools are exposed to high thermal and mechanical burdens and have to maintain their insulating and separating function.
First and foremost the metal should roll off the casting tools very well and should not
leave any metal films. The requirements for casting tools which get into contact with
fluxes are particularly high as the fluxes reduce the surface tension whereby metal can
adhere to the tool. This leads to a faster wear out of the casting tools.

Application Range
Mikrocollid 400 is suitable for ladles and other casting equipment materials. It adheres well on steel, gray cast iron and crucible materials

Addition Rate
Crisolflow N can be applied undiluted. For easier application pre warm items.

Product Application
After the application of Crisolflow N onto the tool a thorough drying by burning off the oil base is essential
This can be done over the the furnace.
It is importance to take care that the drying and heating does not occur
abruptly and the temperature should be approximately 300°C.  During  heating the tool coating changes its colour. 

See MSDS technical  sheets prior to use.